
Monday 27 October 2014

HSC 2014: Is there a use for mathematics after high school?

The thought of doing his two-unit maths HSC paper again makes Patrick Green want to "crawl up into a little ball and cry".

The University of Sydney physiotherapy student thought studying maths in Year 12 would give him a massive leg-up at university. It has helped to a degree with some of his biomechanics work but he would not want to sit the exam again.
Patrick Green, a physiotherapy student at the University of Sydney, with his classmates.

Patrick Green, a physiotherapy student at the University of Sydney, with his classmates. Photo: Supplied

"I remember what it was like when I was learning it at the time and I would struggle now most definitely. I'm not using it a lot to be honest.

"Maybe if it was a little bit more life-related, it would be better. If they had taught us how to apply for a bank loan or something like that, as opposed to stuff you might not need, it would have been good."

On Wednesday, 50,000 students left their HSC maths exam and rejoiced or despaired at the thought of never having to do two-unit maths again.

Only one day later, questions are already being asked over just how useful the formulas and methods learnt during high school are.  

Angus McDougall, 25, a Sydney structural engineer, says he "wasn't amazing" at maths

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